Download Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) used to edit, compile, and upload our Arduino codes to our Arduino hardware board with the help of USB A to B cable.
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Arduino IDE is a cross-platform software that means It is available for Windows, macOS, Linux. Arduino IDE supports C and C++ languages to write and compile the codes. Arduino Uno r3 there are bigger boards that you can start off with an RC cost a bit more money the what happens in the bigger boards you get and they have a different microprocessor on them and they will have more often will have more memory than you can store biggest sketches or bigger programs and you can store more data but this certainly is good if you try to get into and see if you’re going to enjoy it it’s a good way to start also the bigger boards have more input and output you’ll see the strip along the side here these enabled you to talk to the art to Arduino in essence and for the Arduino to talk back to you through a whole realm of lights and senses and what have you so lets before you even get down to the basic hardware description of the board.
I’m going to give you the one thing that you can do to start off with and don’t look at my son my entirely implementation but what you might want to do is put either get some four rubber feet underneath your Arduino board because more than likely you’re going tube resting on on surfaces and for one it might skip around which which doesn’t help it also if you’ve got the USB into power and to program it it then does get but skittish if you’ve got a heavy thicker and USB cable also if you’re resting it like I do sometimes on top of my computer or something metallic the last thing you want is the underside of the PCB and where the through-hole components come thru too short so this provided with it prevented from skidding around and it insulates the bottom of the board and I would highly recommend do where you put the stick on stick on foam pad like I have all therubber feet so it is something to do what you may what I found was on these big on the USB input here and on the power jack the tabs the through the peace that comes through the pc board was a fair bit longer than the rest so I got a pair of good sharp side cutters and when I say do get a good pair of sharp side cutters because the bits that come through a quite thick and I snip those officer again they were protruding that match that made it far easier to stick the pad on and you’ve got again even if you’ve got rubber feet you’ve got better clearance on the board that’s one of the first handy tips then ok so let’s have a quick look at the are doing is to say I’m starting out myself if I if anyone comes across a mistakes that I made what have you please let me know.
I’ll annotate going to say this is a learning process formed as well now first of all the Arduino can be powered either by the USB got to connect to your pc it will be powered by the five volts from your pc or it can accept a DC power input over here through this Jack you can buy water what have you I tend to have a battery or lithium battery pack which I plug in this at least its mobile that’s the one handy thing to think about just a simple 9-volt battery with a power jack is the one easy way to power it if there’s a range of voltages that it works off but can work up to 12volts if I remember correctly but I think the best recommend voltage nanovolts I’d stick with nine volts for Perry it in in the jack also on these boards you will note there are a few a couple of versions or later versions of this board where they have a surface mount chip and I’ve mentioned this before my recommendation is to not go with the surface mount chip because if you happen to make a mistake and blow something the one component you likely to blow is the microprocessor and with the SMD chip the surface match up on the board you basically going to end up throwing away the whole board where is on this configuration with the tip or the dual inline package you can simply remove the microprocessor and Slaton un it’s a far more efficient and cheaper way to get around a little whoopsie right so then on the board we’ve discussed that the chip and the inputs now let’s discuss the kind of May main input output on it down the side the side here you there is a ground and then we’ve got pins which are numbered from 13 down to zero and these are mainly your digital input and output and when I say input or output as you realize when we get to start writing code for this you can define with a pan X’s and input or output and and I’ve seen need the final trials the Arduino is going to get confused not know what you want to do on that pen so that is the digital input and output it’s also got some PWM pulse width modulation input.
Output as well then on this side we’ve got the way you can draw power either a 3.3volts or 5 volt and the ground respective to that and then you’ve got some analog input now the analog inputs is in the project which we’re going to first start off with the voltmeter in fact that is where we’re going to be putting our input and just to tell you a little about the analog input it’s remember computer’s operating 10 so they are digital so though it says analog these analog inputs taken and log input and digitize it so basically if you put a 5 volt signaling in in here which is changing then it will represent it as a number between 1and 1023 so in essence it it created a digital representation of an analog signal going in there not critical to know at this point in time it’s just a little bit of background on the digital one on the digital inputs they rely on either being high or low res is representing either alone or a zero so you’re very basic you a digital input or output into the computer world and the microprocessor right so the next thing is then to connect the Audrina to your pc so before you even start downloading the ide the IDE is the ComPilot program will go through that terminology and what happy when I’ve got a tap on the pc you to understand you want you going to want to connect your Arduino to your pc with your USB cable so the USB cable is also plugged into my piece you are ready and then going to connect this into the Arduino and a friend what we’re going to dump it change out to screen capture program so you can actually see what’s going on the pc now what is going to happen virtually on all pc’s windows-based pschent you plug this in it’s going to see the hard way it’s going to try and stall the driver and it’s going to fail and that’s the part I want to help you through because is a few basic steps and if you go slightly wrong you might really frustrate yourself also some of the instructions.
I’ve seen on the Arduino site and internet died exactly describe what potentially might happen on your pc and I’m going to try and walk you through those as best I can ok so one of the first things are going to want to do is actually download the Arduino software now the if you go tithe if you just simply do a search on our of Arduino in Google you’re bound to come across the site over here but here’s the address its Arduino CC and you’ll get to the homepage hair here is a really useful spot for finding projects and assistance on in forums if you do have any problems so this is certainly a very handy resources loads of them but this is the main Arduino one and what you’re going to do is you’re going to click on the download link and this is the software which allows you to compile your programs it’s called the IDE it’s where you write your sketches or your code or your program and they’ve got several versions of the idea now the latest one that’s about all you will see here is our do you know one .
The Arduino supplies many libraries for different types of work or for different types of projects. The best part of this IDE is that I personally like that is with the help of this single IDE I can write code for different Arduino boards as well as for ESP boards, and It points exactly the same number of the line whenever we get any error while compiling.